When Thanksgiving Hurts… A Bite of Encouragement for Struggles with Self Worth, Rejection, Forgiveness, and Boundaries

Is somebody being a real “turkey” to you this year? Thanksgiving can be a tough time for a lot of people who are excited to get together, but end up feeling let down by hurtful family and friends. During this time of my husband healing from cancer; God has immensely blessed our own family with … Continue reading When Thanksgiving Hurts… A Bite of Encouragement for Struggles with Self Worth, Rejection, Forgiveness, and Boundaries

Good Friday… Coronavirus Kills, but Jesus Saves!

It’s Good Friday; and it's a bad world. There’s a plague of locusts destroying crops, further starving the people of Africa. Running at a faster, more frequent pace; we are experiencing earthquakes, floods, tornados and wildfires. All of these are competing, to outdo the viral plague which is currently sweeping the globe; a whispered household … Continue reading Good Friday… Coronavirus Kills, but Jesus Saves!

You are Worth Dying For: 10 Biblical Truths to Survive Rejection (Compassion Series)  

“This seat is saved,” says a haughty voice. The spirit of rejection is ruthless; you know the seat isn't meant for you. Rejection disguises insults as “compliments." Rejection tells you negative comments about your weight and age, while pretending to be "concerned about you." Rejection is responsible for the dirty looks given to parents whose … Continue reading You are Worth Dying For: 10 Biblical Truths to Survive Rejection (Compassion Series)  

When You Have an Absent, Abusive, or Abandoning Father… God Cares

Fathers are meant to love, guide, encourage, protect, teach, comfort, and lead us. So what happens when a father doesn't fulfill his responsibilities? Emptiness happens. Depression happens. Doubt happens. Confusion happens. Children lose their way. A neglectful father leaves his children to fend for themselves. They may have to fend for food or clothing, or … Continue reading When You Have an Absent, Abusive, or Abandoning Father… God Cares

Jesus is Your ONE WAY Ticket to Heaven! Don’t Deny Him! Get on Board! 

Come on, Christian Believers... Rise up! You have to make a CHOICE! You can NOT serve two masters! Either you're with JESUS all the way, or not at all! You can't say you're a Christian, and then tell other people it's okay to worship whomever and however they choose! That's NOT witnessing! That is denying … Continue reading Jesus is Your ONE WAY Ticket to Heaven! Don’t Deny Him! Get on Board!