Thanking God… Choosing to Trust Him in Your Trials

I can’t let Thanksgiving go by without thanking God for my beautiful family, friends, and readers here at The Silver Lining! I also want to thank God for healing me from horrible chronic migraines! These terrible headaches robbed me of my time, comfort, and happiness. Thank you to all of you who have prayed for me during this dark time of illness. After several months of living with increasing chronic migraine, I am currently two weeks migraine-free; and finally able to begin sharing some silver linings with you again! I made a choice to trust God in spite of, and through, my suffering. Though I’ve had much pain, suffering, and hardship throughout my life; I feel that my recent experience with migraines made me rely on God, and learn to trust Him, in a whole new way.

I hope to encourage you on Thanksgiving, and during the upcoming holidays. These joyful times can also bring discouragement to many people. Do not give up hope. Our hope lies in Jesus Christ; and even in the middle of pain and darkness, God meets us there in love. He provides for us in ways we do not always understand. When all else fails, and even when it doesn’t, we must always trust in God. He is a good God, and He is always working on His good and perfect plan for us. Dive in, and choose to trust Jesus all the way, no matter what is going on in your life. This is what God has been teaching me, as I felt like my life was slipping away. I could not control the migraines, and I started to believe the lie that they were controlling me. But the truth is that GOD is always in control! My joy and peace and hope come from HIM, not from my physical situation. I needed to find out why I was suffering, so I went straight to the source with all the answers… GOD, Himself! And guess what? He didn’t let me down. He provided answers… and healing too!

I will share more of my experience with migraine in future posts. If you are a migraineur, or are struggling with depression or another chronic illness; do not lose heart. Jesus is Our Lord! Pray to Jesus, and ask him to heal you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Ask family and friends to pray for you. Ask your church to pray for you. Ask me to pray for you; I would be honored to do so. I do pray for my readers, and I often pray for you with my family. Prayer makes good things happen! Thank God today for the good things you have in your life. Thank Him for His Son, Jesus, who came to bring us eternal life and save us from our sins. If you are broken and hurting, tell Him! Ask Him to heal you, but also ask Him to show you why you are going through your difficult trial. Ask Him to teach you, grow you, and change you. The Silver Lining is that God will use everything for your good, and His glory! Choose trust… choose Jesus!

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Prov. 3:5-6 New International Version).

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28).

Thanksgiving Arrangement created by my daughter, Abby, age 8. Happy Thanksgiving!

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11 thoughts on “Thanking God… Choosing to Trust Him in Your Trials

  1. Kathleen says:

    I especially appreciate how you ended your post…to “choose” trust. Indeed, it is a choice and not always easy, but it’s the very best thing to do, to trust God. I do believe trusting God is what the Christian life is all about. Thank you for your excellent post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Angela Royse Pelleman says:

      Thank you, Kathleen! Choosing trust is what stood out to me also. So many times we are told to trust in Jesus, and we nod our heads and walk away… and continue to worry! I started thinking about what happens when we choose to trust God wholly, fully, knowing He will take care of us because He loves us. I think when we get to that place, it must those times when we experience complete peace in Jesus, even when everything is falling apart. Thank you for writing me; it’s made me think about peace and how we can achieve it through Christ. Blessings to you, and Happy Thanksgiving! ๐Ÿ’™


  2. April Clevenger Boyer says:

    Thankful for you! Thankful for your healing! Thankful for your words of thankfulness. and thankful for Abby’s resourcefulness. The fall arrangement is truly beautiful Abby!

    It seems so silly that we can’t connect via phone. But sometimes life is silly. ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Angela Royse Pelleman says:

      April,I miss our talks! Now that I’m doing better, we will just have to keep trying to reach each other! I’m planning to share one of your blog posts soon on Facebook at The Silver Lining ministry page. I’ll tag you whenI do. I’ll also message you some times I’m free to catch up! Thank you for stopping by! I will tell Abby about your sweet compliment! Love you, sweet friend! ๐Ÿ’™


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