We Have Nothing to Eat, and No Shoes on Our Feet; Will You Lend Us a Hand When a Flood Drowns Our Street?

Just please open the inn,
For we’re cold, and wet men;
Moms are saving their kids,
And we’re looking for kin!

Won’t you give us a bite,
Let us stay for the night?
So we won’t be alone
When the morning turns bright?

We can’t stop the shiver,
Each voice has a quiver;
Our homes swallowed up
By a street turned river.

We are people like you,
Who have so much to do,
But survival is different…
It could’ve been you.

So we won’t understand
If you don’t lend a hand
As a flood steals our lives,
And it covers our land.

Life has thrown us a curve!
Where do some get the nerve?
To pretend to belong 
To a God they won’t serve?

If you claim to believe,
Your hearts hurt as we grieve;
For the real Christians come,
and they roll up a sleeve.

If they’re too far away,
Then they look at their pay,
And they give what they can
While they earnestly pray.

We each need a warm bed,
And ironically said;
We need water to drink,                                                                   With warm soup and some bread. 

Please don’t turn us away.
Like they did on that day,
When our little Lord Jesus
Was born on the hay.

“There’s no room at the inn,”
Said their self-centered sin;
Oh dear God, how we need
Loving women and men!

For though some will not care,
There are lots who will share
To remind all the world
That a good God’s up there!

Those who only spew hate,
Will one day be too late;
Their cruel actions and words
Earn them each a worse fate.

Reaching hands, willing feet,
Bring relief in the street;
It’s the same to serve Jesus,
There is no defeat.

Weather does as it pleases,
But God up there, sees us;
The victory’s still ours,
‘Cause no flood can drown Jesus!

© 2017 Angela Royse Pelleman

” ‘Because he loves me,’ says the LORD, ‘I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name’ ”  (Psalm 91:14 New International Version)

Below are links to several charitable organizations, providing info as to how you can help the victims of Hurricane Harvey, and provide relief, according to the areas of need which are touching your heart:

Samaritans Purse (Christian relief organization which will use your funds where needed most)

The Salvation Army (funds and donations directly used to feed and clothe people in need)

Houston Food Bank and Food Bank of Corpus Christi (Food donations)

South Texas Blood and Tissue Center and Carter Blood Care (give blood for blood shortage) 

Houston Humane Society or San Antonio Humane Society or Houston Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animals in need)

Texas Diaper Bank (Diapers are not covered by Natural Disaster Finds)

It’s always best to research any charitable organization to make sure your giving provides the most adequate assistance. 

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” (Prov. 11:25)

Related posts:
DEEP…a Psalm of Rescue…Hope for Depression

Drowning in Stubborn Pride? Jesus is your Life Preserver!

12 thoughts on “We Have Nothing to Eat, and No Shoes on Our Feet; Will You Lend Us a Hand When a Flood Drowns Our Street?

    • Angela Royse Pelleman says:

      Thank you, Beckie!
      I’ve been thinking to do the same, by using the links at the end of my poem, and adding some more to creates new post. There are so many charities, but they are needed but the devastation widespread and just unbelievable. I just got in touch with a friend from Houston to see what charities she feels would be good to add to the list. I’ll also be looking for your post. Your story about friendship through adversity is on The Silver Lining today! It’s directly underneath my poem about the flooding. Blessings to you, sweet friend, in Jesus’ name! 💙


    • Angela Royse Pelleman says:

      Thank you so much, Kathleen! I’m glad you liked the poetry, and I really appreciate your feedback about the charities! I felt it was important, because everyone is wanting to give, but finding out where, can be a bit overwhelming. However it’s nothing like the overwhelming feelings the dear people of Houston are experiencing. Let’s keep lifting up our prayers for them all! Thank you so much for coming by and leaving me such a kind note of encouragement! Blessings to you, in Jesus’ name!💙


    • Angela Royse Pelleman says:

      Oh my, thank you, April! What a huge compliment; your sweet words mean so much to me! Thank you for blessing me with such meaningful encouragement! I miss you too, and I’m looking forward to our next chat! Lots of love to you! 💙💕


  1. Edith says:

    This is a helpful resource you’ve provided here, Angela – both the stirring poem and the links to charities. I fall among those who pray. May the Lord help the survivors of this dusaster to pull through and get their lives moving forward again in Jesus’ name.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Angela Royse Pelleman says:

      Amen! Praying is still number one, for nothing can happen unless God ordains it, and our prayers matter greatly! I was reading Revelations yesterday and there were verses about our prayers being mixed with incense! God keeps all our prayers up in Heaven! Thank you for the encouraging feedback, my precious sister in Christ! Thank you for praying for our nation. Much love to you and blessings, in Jesus’ name! 💙


  2. Joe Rodriguez says:

    How comforting and reassuring, especially after the recent devastation and floodings due to the hurricanes. It is even more comforting to see how faith-based organizations are “rolling up their sleeves” and being an extension of Jesus arms and feet. This is a very timely message to share with the victims of recent natural disasters. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Angela Royse Pelleman says:

      Thank you, Joe! It’s a blessing to know that there are those of us who understand where true Comfort comes from during our darkest trials. Only Jesus can genuinely chase away the fear, distress, and depression when all hope is gone. I’m so grateful to know he IS our hope, all the time, and that we brothers and sisters in Christ can share God’s Love with those who are hurting, so they can see Light again! It warms my heart to see articles about how Christian organizations are bringing the most relief at this time of flooding, hurricanes, and wildfires… People need to see us being the hands and feet of Jesus! Thank you for visiting The Silver Lining; I’m looking forward to your next post! God bless you, in Jesus’ name! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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