Truthful Revelations

There are times when God has been teaching you a concept, maybe even over a long period of time, when suddenly there’s a complete revelation…such as when when you finally really understand that those terrible, horrible things that were said to you, were not only untrue, but were in reality, a mirror’s reflection of those people’s own deep insecurities and self-perceptions. The words were projection, and had nothing to do with you.

The silver lining is that only God’s Word holds true, and he can heal you from a lifetime of lies you were led to believe about yourself. Once you choose to follow Christ, and receive him into your heart, you become worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. God can then use you to advance His Kingdom, no matter what your circumstances. Don’t listen to the lies of anyone who tries to convince you otherwise. 

Stay tuned for part 2: “You are Worthy,” from my 5-part series on being compassionate toward yourself through Jesus Christ. Read part 1: The Good Life…Do We “Deserve It?” in order to prepare your heart for understanding your true worth as a child of God.

God bless you as you pursue Jesus, so you can know truth; discovering how valuable, beautiful, and worthy you are to The Lord God! 

“Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth.”  

John 17:17 

New Living Translation  Look upward! HIS WORDS are TRUE!

2 thoughts on “Truthful Revelations

  1. Destiny Coaching says:

    Looking forward to reading the parts 2 and so on! Took me longer to get to this place and so grateful you were able to grasp the truth of God’s love for you sooner than I did. I’m grateful to continue learning more and drawing closer to the heart of Jesus each day!


    • Angela Royse Pelleman says:

      Dear DC, I am so glad you now know God loves you! Life is a spiritual battle, and because man has free will, others’ sins can get in the way of our healing. But God uses our trials and turns them into the silver lining of experience that makes us into the beautiful Christians we are. We can then become more like Jesus and find joy, and eventually we are able to help
      others find joy and freedom too! I don’t know why it has to take so long, but I’m trusting that God knows what He’s doing, even when we don’t understand His timing! I’m so grateful we are both still learning, and growing in Christ together! 💙


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