11/6 Dave’s Testimony: Healing Service Offers Hopeful Miracles and Peace about Living with Terminal Cancer

A lot has happened recently, with more coming. Dave’s scan has been moved from November 28th to November 9th. This is a rattling, battling time for us. Please be praying for him this week!

A couple weeks ago we went to a healing service. Our dear friend Sarah had invited us, and kept and kept checking in. There was no pressure, just an invitation. But, neither of us wanted to go. We were tired, and Dave mentioned we have already had so many people praying. Still…

With all the stress and appointments, and all the little things I easily forget; the day of the healing service comes. I keep remembering throughout the day. And I start to feel God telling me things in favor of us attending. Why not? Good things happen when one gets anointed. The more prayer the better. The bleeding lady in the Bible, she sought Jesus; we can go where Jesus is, to the healing service at church! It’s actually a night we could make it. The speaker is Pastor Brian Wills. He’s the author of the true story: 10 Hours to Live. It’s the book Sarah gave Dave when he first got home from the hospital. At the age of 22, Brian Wills received a miracle healing from Burkitt’s lymphoma, one of the deadliest, fastest growing cancers. In three days, his golf ball sized tumor grew 9 inches in diameter. There was no cure! It would be encouraging to hear his testimony. Why was he healed? So without pressure, I just start sharing with Dave the thoughts swirling through my brain like a tornado.

Photo Courtesy: falco
“Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness” (Mt. 9:35 NIV).

We decide to go. I text Sarah, and she’s delighted. She’s going to meet us there. We arrive at the surprisingly comfortable, simply decorated church in the center of a shopping mall. It’s small, clean, and peaceful. I’m still holding my breath. We both feel anxious. We are greeted by John, who is a friend of Sarah’s. He is not the pastor there, but he works with veterans who have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and he’s come to pray healing upon people. Dave introduces himself, and John smiles, “Good to meet you! I’ve been praying for you!” And suddenly I can breathe! I feel Dave relax, as he laughs, and John gives Dave a big hug. He knows us! It feels good to known!

“O LORD, you have searched me and known me” (Ps.139:1 ESV)!

We’ve never been to a healing service that is just for healing, so we don’t know what to expect. Sarah finds us, and sits beside me. It’s comforting, because she tells me little things to expect, and explains anything she thinks may be new to us. It’s intriguing to hear Brian’s testimony and meet him in person. He even opens up with the story about the bleeding woman in the Bible, who was healed by Jesus. His words line up with the Bible, which gives us hope. His wisdom makes sense, as we are actively doing most of the things he preaches. We can relate, because we are on the very same journey… incurable cancer. But he has some extra wisdom to offer, which makes us realize we have power in Christ to do more, without making ourselves more tired. It makes me think, even more… Why not Dave? Why not us? Dave’s been praying for God’s will to be done, and so have I. But it’s good to pray for miracles too… and it’s good to live… even when you’re told you’re dying

Author, Brian Wills, giving all the glory to God through Jesus Christ; for his miraculous healing from the fastest growing cancer in the world!

There are prayer flags during the music. I’ve never seen this type of worship before, but it’s actually wonderful, because later in the week I end up seeing prayer flags in the spiritual realm; and only recognize them because I’ve seen them here…

When we go to the front for prayer, I wrap my arm around Dave’s waist, and hold on tightly the entire time. I don’t want to let go. I feel such love for him, and a peace that we are in the right spot at the right time. We have the privilege of John anointing both of us, and praying over Dave. I hear John briefly pray in whispered tongues, but it’s not weird, and I hear one word over and over again. I don’t know the word, but I know how it makes me feel: peaceful and loved and safe. I feel the love of Jesus coming through John’s voice, and I know he really cares, and that he really loves Jesus.

Out of the blue, John asks Dave if he was affected by Agent Orange. A lightbulb goes on. Dave says, My father was involved in Agent Orange. He died of cancer a few years ago.” Born in 1970, Dave fits into the category of offspring with health issues due to having a parent in Vietnam during Agent Orange. Generational curses and sins can be passed on, but they can also be broken, because of the healing blood of Jesus Christ.

John prays against generational curses and sins; and against the cancer. He says, “You can have Brian pray for you too, but I believe the work is done.” We know we’ve been in God’s presence, and we are comfortable letting Brian instead pray for the others who are waiting on healing prayers.

The anointing shows its healing power instantly. Dave tells John, “I’ve been at peace about dying, but not about living. I now have a peace about living!” My heart opens with relief. Dave is smiling, and his eyes no longer look miles away. We both return to our seats, feeling lighter.

But there’s more. As people begin talk and share, a man we have never met comes over with his wife and their friend. His name is Lou. He says he wants to tell Dave something if that’s ok. “Sure,” Dave smiles, and shakes his hand.

“I don’t know what going on with you,” says Lou, “but when you were standing up there being prayed over, I saw a huge hole through your midsection like this…” Lou takes his arms, and makes a circle, outlining Dave’s stomach, the entire area where his largest tumors are, the multiple tumors, and the area where he had invasive surgery on his small intestine. Dave’s eyes grow large. Lou says, “When I asked the Lord what that meant, I heard that He is clearing everything out of there.” We are both staring at Lou. Dave tells Lou about his colon cancer and how the hole he saw from the back, is the very same area where the cancer is, along with his ileostomy bag and G-tube.

We enjoy our conversation with Lou, his wife, Tracey; and their friend, Amy. We find out that Tracey has ileostomy bag, just like Dave. She’s had the bag for 20 years, and of course has had some complications; but is doing well. Is it coincidence that we’ve met these beautiful, people? I think not. I believe it’s divine intervention, meant to encourage us, and give us more strength through Jesus. We talk about spiritual gifts, and I mention that God has also given me a gift for seeing things in the spiritual realm. I tell Tracey that I have a Christian blog, but I haven’t mentioned this gift in my writing, because some people might freak out. She smiles, and says, “Maybe it’s time.”

Photo courtesy: firecloak
“The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook” (1 Ki 17:6 NIV).

I think about the birds I saw one night, while I was in bed with my eyes closed. They were flying towards Dave. Ravens? Ravens helped feed Elijah in the desert, and Dave has certainly been in the dessert. Crows? A very bad sign in the Bible. Or both? There were four large ones and then smaller ones came. Either way, it was time for them to get lost. They flew away when I told them to leave in the name of Jesus.

I think about all the nights I see the dark spirits come into our room, like the one that bent over his side of bed, and was trying to hit Dave, over and over, on his stomach; and acting as if it was trying to suffocate him. Yet, the spirit was too stupid to know that Dave was sleeping in the guest room that night, trying to get some extra rest. I’ve seen these things since I was a little girl, but I didn’t understand. I was scared. Now, I am only empowered, because I can command them to leave in the name of Jesus. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isa. 41:10 NIV).

I think about how Dave, and how I continuously pray away evil spirits because I can see them, and Dave believes I can. It’s actually really annoying, but the silver lining is that it’s also a gift from God; so we can see the attacks and wage war in prayer together, in the name of Jesus Christ. Dave’s recently experienced seeing something too. The enemy comes, because he wants to discourage us and beat us down. The devil hates it when we share truth and expose his strategies. But these evil spirits have no power over those in Christ Jesus. We tell them to leave in the name Jesus, and the evil spirits exit; as forms of white light come between us and push them away. Then we can sleep.

Right now I’m thinking of how I recently prayed out loud and asked God to remove lies from our family, and how I saw dozens and dozens, probably a hundred black blobs flee my room. Then came the white light, pushing them out, placing itself between us and the lies. Then I fell asleep; which is huge, considering I deal with major insomnia. We experienced a horrible night almost immediately after the healing service which had given us so much hope. So, I began to pray, and suddenly appeared something white. It was waving. Actually two shapes were waving. What is that? And then, I saw white figures holding the white waving shapes, and it dawned on me… Prayer flags! Victory!”

Photo courtesy (edited) : SEspider
The Christian flag “Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus, going on before…”

So believe it not, we are just sharing our story and experiences in real time, and what God reveals to us individually and through the people we meet. At the healing service, Sarah asks if it would be okay if Lira tells us about anything she is able to see; because she has the gift for seeing in the spiritual world. Dave and I both say, “Of course!” Just because we share the same gift, does not mean we see the same things. We want to know what Lira sees. She tells Dave she saw two large angels on each side of him. They were scooping something out of him, and pouring in clean, living water. Lira was not there for the conversation with Lou. She’s heard nothing about Dave’s cancer.

Photo courtesy: dldusdn
Jesus replied, ‘If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water’ “ (Jn.. 4:10 NLT).

At the end of the prayer service Dave talks with Brian Wills. It’s sweet to see them talking together; Brian encouraging Dave, while signing a copy of his book we brought with us. I go back to talk to Lira, and we bond over the fact that she is from Ukraine, and she’s happy to find that I have written blog posts to support and encourage Ukraine. They greatly need our prayers. We go home in joy from The Holy Spirit.

Miracle cancer survivor, author, Brian Wills; with Dave Pelleman, who is battling cancer using Strength Through Jesus!

There’s so much more, but I’ll write about that next time. I will say that right after the healing service, we got attacked by the devil so bad, you wouldn’t believe it. As if rare stage four cancer isn’t hard enough to deal with. But the enemy doesn’t care. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”(Jn. 10:10 NIV). The devil knows we are a witness for Jesus Christ. We are still choosing to not give up, because we are now at an elevated level of faith. We’re not just believing it; but we are choosing to actively live out our faith. It’s our ONLY choice, and it’s the BEST choice! “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose” (Rom. (8:28 NIV). That means us; because we belong to Him, and we are seeking to do what He calls us to do!

We will continue leaning on strength through Jesus and fighting with everything God gives us. Anyone in Christ can fight off the enemy by using the name Jesus. You don’t have to see anything; you can just pray against whatever is attacking you: anxiety, anger, guilt, shame, rejection, fear, etc… We are repeating Philippians 4 verses daily to fight anxiety, and to lift up one another. We hope these verses encourage you, as well; giving you strength through Jesus!

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you” (Phil. 4: 4-9 NIV).

Dave’s scan is November 9th. He is also taking a break from chemo, which we wanted to do, believing in his healing; but we’re blessed with the doctor also saying it would be good to take a break since his white blood cell count was getting too low. We’ve chosen to continue the Fen Ben and herbal remedies, though we know God can heal without any of these. We will update everyone as soon as possible. No matter what, in a world falling prey to the devil, we choose to follow Jesus, which leads to a forever home in Heaven where everyone gets healed!

Dave doing a short run with the dogs… love, joy, and peace about living!

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength” (Phil. 4: 13 NLT).


4/10 Dave’s Testimony: My husband has Deadly Cancer… Palm Sunday Miracles (The above post is the beginning of our journey with rare stage four cancer. It also contains ALL LINKS on Dave’s Testimony, in order, at the bottom of this post.)

Last post: 10/10 Dave’s Testimony: Terminal Cancer War… Our Soldier’s Battle Personal Battle of Life or Death

How to Invite Jesus into Your Heart and Receive Eternal Life!

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The Silver Lining Blog. Free subscription, no ads. Search many subjects, or type in a search word of your own.

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Strength Through Jesus Apparel: t-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, and more. (We make a small profit which helps our family on disability. We give 10% of every purchase to St. Jude’s, which pays for healthcare for families of children battling cancer.

Strength Through Jesus Facebook page.

Of interest:

Brian Wills You Tube Videos: Testimony and Teachings on the Healing of Jesus

10 Hours to Live book by Pastor Brian Wills, a Jesus miracle cancer survivor.

In Christ, Angela Royse Pelleman

9 thoughts on “11/6 Dave’s Testimony: Healing Service Offers Hopeful Miracles and Peace about Living with Terminal Cancer

  1. Bruce Cooper says:

    Well, you got me sitting on the edge of my seat, Angela! I’ve been lifting you and Dave up in my prayers every day since we last spoke. I’m glad you are sharing, Angela, as you are. Keep us posted! God’s grace, peace and blessings to you and yours!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Patti says:

    I have been reading your blog and following Dave’s story. My 30 year old son in law has been diagnosed with signet ring cell carcinoma. He is 3/4 of the way through 12 cycles of chemo with a 2 1/2 year old and a new baby on the way. They are now looking at another surgery and HIPEC procedure. There are so many obstacles to overcome and we are all being wore down, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I know your plate is so full but would you please pray for their little family? Sending love and prayers for your family. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Angela Royse Pelleman says:

      I will absolutely pray for this precious little family! Have them read the blogs. We’ve written about Fen Ben too, which Dave is still taking; and I believe it’s bought us time and helped more than any chemo. Have him get anointed, and seek tons of prayers! If you don’t know anyone who can anoint him, we will! Have him read this latest blog. We’ve out a lot of hope and faith in God here, and there’s a book mentioned which could be of comfort. Gif bless them, and God bless you; in Jesus name! Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray for him! 💙🙏🏼 Lots of love to you!!💕


  3. gracie1231474 says:

    Praising God for His faithfulness towards His children. “When I remember Thee upon my bed, and mediate on Thee in the night watches. Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of Thy wings will I rejoice. My soul follows hard after Thee: Thy right hand upholds me.” (Psalm 63:6-8)

    Liked by 1 person

      • gracie1231474 says:

        Tell that Devil he has no authority over you. That your Heavenly Father has promised His saints a safe sleep. “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone Lord, make me dwell in safety.” (Psalm 4:8) I had two demonic kids show up two nights ago in a dream that woke me up. I spoke outloud commanding them to leave in the name of Jesus, telling them that because of Christ’s death and resurrection as a Child of the Living God, He has given me authority over them. Guess what? They left. I could fall back asleep peacefully. 🙂


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