When Evil is Praised, God is not Mocked… Enjoy Your Orchard! 

Does it burn you up to see people getting praise who don’t deserve it? The devil blinds people to the truth. His job is to accuse genuine Christian believers, and to convince the weak to help him do his dirty work. The devil is the Deceiver, Father of lies, and the Accuser. He works hard to convince people to hate real Christians who love Jesus. The ONE and ONLY way to know the truth, is the PURSUE JESUS. 

People who ignore Jesus, choosing not to not talk or walk with him at all; might as well walk around covering their eyes and ears. There is NO way to be aware of the truth if you choose not to be its friend… for Jesus IS Truth! Only those of us who listen to God’s instruction can know the truth. We want nothing to do with the false praises of wicked people, and instead run to the arms of our Savior:  “Those who forsake instruction praise the wicked, but those who heed it resist them” (Prov. 28:48 New International Version).

People who falsely praise wicked people, usually do so out of fear. They want to stay in the “good graces” of someone they deem as “powerful,” or someone who can give them false security or what they consider to be favors. They choose to live a lie, instead of seeking the truth, when we should instead be desiring to stay within the good grace of God. God is the Only One Who can provide everything we need, and give us true security and joy. To not acknowledge Him, or lead others to Him, is to walk away from the truth. 

If we really want to know fact from fiction about a person, place, or situation; we need to ask Jesus about it. When we go our own way, we leave ourselves open to all the tricks of the enemy; and the enemy is very good at pretending! “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve” (2 Cor. 11:14-15). This means there are people out there pretending to be Christians! These wolves are even fooling Christians who have abandoned the path of truth and righteousness! Jesus will be more than happy to talk and walk with those who find their way back to his path. We have nothing to lose if we follow Jesus… but everything to lose if we don’t!

Jesus says we can differentiate genuine believers from non-believers by inspecting their fruit. There are good trees, bad trees, and their fruit.  What kind of trees are in your orchard? Are they dead, or are they producing delicious fruit? Everything you need to know about real Christians and those who pretend to be Christians; is written in the Bible. We can find out about truth ahead of time, instead of waiting until we find ourselves in a desperate situation! 

When we see evil bring praised by men, the silver lining is God knows about it. His Word tells us not to worry about it, because He knows the truth about what is really going on. Even though it’s hard to watch when people praise men and women who are wicked,  God will not be mocked. He tells us that people who choose to participate in evil, will get what they deserve. He even reminds us in this Psalm “Of David. Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away” (Psalm 37:1-2). We can go about enjoying our lives, because God will provide justice in His good and perfect timing!

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life” (Gal. 6:7-8).

Pursue Jesus, and enter an orchard where good trees bear good fruit! 

Join us at The Silver Lining, as we explore the topic of truth. Explore other related topics, as well. Find daily encouragement on The Silver Lining Facebook ministry page. There will be godly posts and scriptures shared by myself and other Christian writers who love Jesus! 

6 thoughts on “When Evil is Praised, God is not Mocked… Enjoy Your Orchard! 

  1. Rita says:

    This was an amazingly timely post. some family grew up in Christian homes..but really mock Jesus and Christians..and it was saddening me so much this morning. We cannot tell them..but as you shared so powerfully, their own flesh will reap destruction. Today, I got a verse about reaping and harvesting.!! Beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Angela Royse Pelleman says:

      Thank you, Rita! I know this is so true! I’m finding out more and more that in these supposedly “Christian” homes, either the people were not really Christians in the first place, or they wandered quickly from God after having a taste of His goodness. This indeed will result in destruction for the mockers. These very people mock us today for being genuine Christians who share God’s Word. They lied about us and slander our ministries to others. They seek out to destroy those who love Jesus and desire to witness to others. They are helping the devil do his dirty work.

      Many of us have been spiritually abused, which caused confusion about our self-worth as we wondered why “Christians” would not accept us, and would mock us repeatedly; especially if they were our own family members. But the reality is, they are mockers of God, and God doesn’t take it lightly when people gather up together to mock and laugh at His children. Now I just feel sorry for these people, because they have no idea what is up ahead. The best thing we can do is to pray for them to repent and turn their hearts back to Jesus. We must pray for our enemies, and hope The Holy Spirit will reveal truth to them. Thank you for coming by. I appreciate your comments and really enjoy reading your blog about India! Love you, Rita! 💙


  2. lightformypath62 says:

    Great article and so insightful for me Angela!
    I was raised in a strict Catholic Home and we went to church h every Sunday but nothing of God was practiced once we got home and the public didn’t see what happened behind closed doors. We had so many ridiculous rules and had to keep everything a secret so our family wouldn’t be disgraced and we LL appeared to be a perfect family with perfect parents. So untrue! 😞
    Thank you for sharing God’s word about so many evil things. It makes me so sad and angry when bullies seem to be so popular and get away with abusing the real victims. I’ve been told I’m too sensitive, we were just joking, we care about you and you’re so dramatic among other lies. I believed most of what I was told and I never thought I had any power to dispute the lies. As Christians, I think we’re often expected to just forgive and move on and everything will be fine. Reconciliation isn’t always possible I’ve learned even though I can forgive.
    God Bless you for sharing the truth!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Angela Royse Pelleman says:

      I was raised Baptist and went to church every Sunday, and I was told all those exact things too. I’ve even been asked on several
      Occasions of I was raised Catholic, because of the guilt that was poured all over me. I’m so thankful that Jesus can remove spirits like guilt and anxiety from our lives! I realize now, that I was singled out because I loved Jesus, and was rebelling against a dysfunctional home. I was rebelling against the hypocrisy, and eventually I began rebelling against God, because all I falsely knew of Him was that His love was conditional, that He was waiting to jump on me and judge me for every mistake, and that He was angry with me and thought I was no good. I now see this is spiritual abuse, where An abuser uses God and the Bible to lie to you, control you, and manipulate you into giving the abuser what she or he wants. God isn’t like that at all! He doesn’t say bad things about is behind our backs and lie about us to people we love to get them to side with Him. He doesn’t pretend to be good, while waiting to turn on us when everyone else is out of the room. No. That’s what abusive people do, and the worst are the wolves in sheep’s clothing; who pretend to be Christian, but live a whole different unrepentant life in the darkness; insisting that they are perfect. When we have abuse combined with a false view of God, and a bible bashing us over the head with scripture taken out of context, it causes us the be confused about who God is. It is definitely something which makes innocent ones like us, sad and mad, but God promises He will make everything right in His perfect timing. He will avenge His children, and everyone will know the truth! And God does not lie! It’s hard to be patient, but if we trust God, we have to trust Him with it ALL! This I am still learning to do! Sometimes it helps to know we are not alone. It sounds like God has taught you a lot already; like how we can forgive even when reconciliation is not possible. Boundaries are good and healthy, and the Bible tells us they are necessary. God is our Amazing Protector; He won’t forsake us! 💙


  3. Brenda Slaski Grunewald says:

    I never thought about some of the things you’ve explained! Thank you so much and it all makes sense to me now. I know this is going to be a process and I try to remind myself that through my suffering I found God!
    I didn’t know it at the time but healthy, kind people were placed along my path in life and looking back I can see that now so He had to have been there along side me and wanting to help through others.
    I love this place I found and you really are a Blessing Angela!! ☺
    Feeling alone and crazy is the more awful place to be. I feel hopeful.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Angela Royse Pelleman says:

      Brenda, you’ve made me smile! This is why I do what I do, to be a light shining for Jesus to brighten the world for my sisters and brothers in Christ! Just as God placed healthy, kind people along the way for me, I want to be one of those people for others to help them through the storm! I want to help because I know how dark it is, when you’ve been deceived for a lifetime. God’s truth brings joy and freedom! It really is a process, but it does get better! I promise, but more so, God promises! Brenda, you’ve been such a blessing to me; such an encouragement! I’m hoping to finish my blog this month, “You are Worthy… God Says So!” I think it will be so beneficial to your healing because it’s packed with scripture reminding us of the great infinite love God and Jesus have for us! 💙 Thank you for all the lovely comments and for being so honest. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a writer inside of you too! I will continue to pray for you my friend! May Jesus heal you inside out! 💙


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